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Zui shu xi you zui mo sheng de 14 yi xiao fei zhe : Ya Zhou xiao fei qu shi quan wei jie lu Zhongguo shi chang xin mian mao / 最熟悉又最陌生的14億消費者 : 亞洲消費趨勢權威揭露中國市場新面貌 / 金蘭都, 田美永, 金瑞榮著 ; [路冉, 張亞薇, 葉雨純譯].

Kim, Nan-do. Chŏn, Mi-yŏng. Kim, Sŏ-yŏng. by 김난도 | 田美永 | 金瑞榮.

Edition: 初版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Adult; Language: Chinese Original language: Korean Publisher: Taibei Shi : Xian jue chu ban, 2014. Publisher: 台北市 : 先覺出版, 2014Other title: Ya Zhou xiao fei qu shi quan wei jie lu Zhongguo shi chang xin mian mao Other title: Micro trend China | 亞洲消費趨勢權威揭露中國市場新面貌.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HF5415.33.C6 K45 2014 (1).

Yuan zi shi jian : qi ji de wan jian 4 xiao shi, gai bian ren sheng, shou ru fan bei, she xu shou yi de shi jian guan li shi zheng = The power of the evening routine that changes the morning / 原子時間 : 奇蹟的晚間4小時, 改變人生, 收入翻倍, 社畜獸醫的時間管理實證 = The power of the evening routine that changes the morning / 柳韓彬 (Hanbin Ryu) 著 ; 張亞薇譯.

Zhang, Yawei, by Ryu, Hanbin [author.] | 張亞薇 [translator.].

Edition: 第一版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized; Publisher: 台北市 : 寫樂文化有限公司, 2021Other title: Qi ji de wan jian 4 xiao shi, gai bian ren sheng, shou ru fan bei, she xu shou yi de shi jian guan li shi zheng Other title: 奇蹟的晚間4小時, 改變人生, 收入翻倍, 社畜獸醫的時間管理實證 .Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: BF637.T5 R8712 2021 (1).

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