Your search returned 6 results.

Kai xin jiao shi : ge ren cheng zhang jiao yu ke cheng jiao cai tao / 開心教室 : 個人成長教育課程教材套 / [香港遊樂場協會]

Hong Kong Playground Association. by 香港遊樂場協會.

Edition: 初版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Xianggang : Xianggang you le chang xie hui, 2003. Publisher: 香港 : 香港遊樂場協會, 2003Other title: Ge ren cheng zhang jiao yu ke cheng jiao cai tao Other title: 個人成長教育課程教材套.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: BJ1668.C5 P51 2003 (2).

You le xian tong zhen : cong you yue chang dao she hui fu wu / 遊樂顯童真 : 從遊樂場到社會服務 / 郭少棠著; [執行編輯沈思 ; 編輯梁偉權, 李偉良].

Shen, Si, Liang, Weiquan. Li, Weiliang. by Kwok, Siu Tong | 沈思, 1958- | 梁偉權 | 李偉良.

Edition: 第1版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: [Xianggang] : Xianggang you le chang xie hui, 2003. Publisher: [香港] : 香港遊樂場協會, 2003Other title: Cong you le chang dao she hui fu wu Other title: 從遊樂場到社會服務.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HV800.H6 G86 2003 (2).

Huo dong guan li quan gong lüe / 活動管理全攻略 / [作者溫立文 ... [et al.]].

Wen, Liwen. by 溫立文.

Edition: 初版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Xianggang : Xianggang you le chang xie hui, 2009. Publisher: 香港 : 香港遊樂場協會, 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: GT3406.C6 H86 2009 (2).

Jie chu bei hou : 30 wei jie chu shao nian de gu shi / 傑出背後 : 30位傑出少年的故事 / [編著香港遊樂場協會].

Hong Kong Playground Association. by 香港遊樂場協會.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Nature of contents: biography; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Xianggang : Xianggang you le chang xie hui, 2008. Publisher: 香港 : 香港遊樂場協會, 2008Other title: 30 wei jie chu shao nian de gu shi Other title: 30位傑出少年的故事.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: BJ1668.C5 J43 2008 (1).

Pu xie mei miao de yin fu : Xianggang jie chu shao nian sui bi. 譜寫美妙的音符 : 香港傑出少年隨筆.

Hong Kong Playground Association. by 香港遊樂場協會.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Xianggang : Xianggang you le chang xie hui, 2012. Publisher: 香港 : 香港遊樂場協會, 2012Other title: Xianggang jie chu shao nian sui bi Other title: 香港傑出少年隨筆.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HQ799.H6 P8 2012 (1).

Xianggang you le chang xie hui nian bao = Hong Kong Playground Association annual report. 香港遊樂場協會年報 = Hong Kong Playground Association annual report.

Hong Kong Playground Association. by 香港遊樂場協會.

Material type: Continuing resource Continuing resource; Format: print ; Type of continuing resource: periodical Language: engchi Publisher: Xianggang : Xianggang you le chang xie hui Publisher: 香港 : 香港遊樂場協會 Other title: Nian bao Other title: 年報 | Hong Kong Playground Association annual report.Online access: Open access Availability: No items available : Withdrawn (3).

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