Your search returned 8 results.

Xianggang nan Ya yi ren shi lao gong quan yi bao zhang yan jiu bao gao / 香港南亞裔人士勞工權益保障研究報告 / 香港城市大學應用社會科學系關注南亞裔人士勞工權益保障計劃工作小組, 香港融樂會--為種族平等.

by City University of Hong Kong. Department of Applied Social Studies. Working Group of the Community Concren Project on the Protection of Labour Right | Unison Hong Kong.

Edition: 第1版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: Chinese, English Summary language: English Publisher: Xianggang : Xianggang cheng shi da xue ying yong she hui ke xue xi guan zhu nan Ya yi ren shi lao gong quan yi bao zhang ji hua gong zuo xiao zu : Xianggang rong yue hui--wei zhong zu ping deng, 2004. Publisher: 香港 : 香港城市大學應用社會科學系關注南亞裔人士勞工權益保障計劃工作小組 : 香港融樂會--為種族平等, 2004Other title: Research report of the protection of labour rights among South Asian people in Hong Kong.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HD8753.5 .X41 2004 (1).

She hui gai ge yu Zhongguo jie tou zui xing yan jiu / 社會改革與中國街頭罪行研究 / 馬勤, 黃成榮, 鄺子文 = Social reform and street crime in China / Stephen K. Ma, Dennis S.W. Wong, T.M. Kwong.

Ma, Stephen K. Wong, Dennis Sing-wing. Kuang, Ziwen. City University of Hong Kong. Department of Applied Social Studies. by 馬勤 | 黃成榮 | 鄺子文 | 香港城市大學. 應用社會科學系.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: Chinese Summary language: English Publisher: [Xianggang : Xianggang cheng shi da xue ying yong she hui ke xue xi, 1996] Publisher: [香港 : 香港城市大學應用社會科學系, 1996]Other title: Social reform and street crime in China.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HV7118.5 .M35 1996 (1).

Xianggang nan Ya yi ren shi jiu ye qing kuang yan jiu bao gao / 香港南亞裔人士就業情況研究報告 / 香港城市大學應用社會科學系關注少數族裔人士社區共融計劃工作小組, 香港融樂會.

City University of Hong Kong. Dept. of Applied Social Studies. Working Group of the Social Integration Project for Ethnic Minority People in Hong Kong. Unison Hong Kong--For Ethnic Equality. by 香港城市大學. 應用社會科學系. 關注少數族裔人士社區共融計劃工作小組 | 香港融樂會.

Edition: 第1版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: Chinese, English Publisher: Xianggang : Xianggang cheng shi da xue ying yong she hui ke xue xi guan zhu shao shu zu yi ren shi she qu gong rong ji hua gong zuo xiao zu : Xianggang rong le hui, 2003. Publisher: 香港 : 香港城市大學應用社會科學系關注少數族裔人士社區共融計劃工作小組 : 香港融樂會, 2003Other title: Research report on the employment situation of South Asian people in Hong Kong.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HD8753.5 .X41 2003 (1).

Nan qu zhang zhe she qu wang luo ji hua cheng xiao yan jiu = A study of the effectiveness of the Project of Social Networking for the Elderly in the Southern District / 南區長者社區網絡計劃成效硏究 = A study of the effectiveness of the Project of Social Networking for the Elderly in the Southern District / Raymond Man-hung Ngan, Jacky Chau-kiu Cheung.

by Yan, Wenxiong | Cheung, Chau-kiu.

Edition: 第1版. Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: Chinese, eng Publisher: Xianggang : Xianggang Cheng shi da xue ying yong she hui ke xue xi, 1998. Publisher: 香港 : 香港城市大學應用社會科學系, 1998Other title: Study of the effectiveness of the Project of Social Networking for the Elderly in the Southern District .Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HV1484.H64 S59 1998 (1).

Xue sheng fa zhan huo dong shi wu shou ce. 學生發展活動實務手冊.

by City University of Hong Kong. Department of Applied Social Studies.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: [Xianggang : Xianggang cheng shi da xue ying yong she hui ke xue xi, 2013] Publisher: [香港 : 香港城市大學應用社會科學系, 2013]Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: LB2343.4 .X84 2013 (1).

Qing shao nian sheng ya gui hua ji ge ren fa zhan yan jiu / 青少年生涯規劃及個人發展研究 / 崔永康, 張偉良, 黃澤蒼及聖雅各福群會生涯規劃服務.

Chui, Wing Hong, Cheung, Wai Leung Raysen, Huang, Zecang, City University of Hong Kong. Department of Applied Social Sciences, St. James' Settlement (Hong Kong, China). Career Sparkle, by 崔永康 [author.] | 張偉良 [author.] | 黃澤蒼 [author.] | 香港城市大學. 應用社會科學系 [organizer,, issuing body.] | 聖雅各福群會(香港, 中國). 生涯規劃服務 [organizer.].

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: 香港 : 香港城市大學應用社會科學系, 2016Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HQ799.H6 C47 2016 (1).

Dang fu dao yuan yu shang tong zhi = How to work with sexual minorities / 當輔導員遇上同志 = How to work with sexual minorities / [工作小組名單郭勤 [and 6 others].

Guo,Qin, Zi mei tong zhi by 郭勤 [editor.] | 姊妹同志 [issuing body.] | City University of Hong Kong. Department of Applied Social Studies. Sexuality Counseling Practice Research Project [issuing body.].

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: General; Publisher: 香港 : 姊妹同志 : 香港城市大學應用社會科學系, [2009]Other title: How to work with sexual minorities.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HQ76.3.H6 D36 2009 (1).

Kua yuan xiao sheng ming dao shi ji hua shi wu zhi yin / 跨院校生命導師計劃實務指引 / 基督教香港信義會社會服務部合編.

Ji du jiao xiang gang xin yi hui she hui fu wu bu, by 基督教香港信義會社會服務部 [editor.].

Material type: Text Text; Format: braille Publisher: 香港 : 香港城市大學應用社會科學系, 2016Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HV9213 .K83 2016 (1).

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