挑戰晶片 : 全球電子業的勞動權與環境正義 / Challenging the chip : labor rights and environmental justice in the global electronics industry 全球電子業的勞動權與環境正義 主編泰德。史密夫, 大偉。桑那菲, 大偉。佩洛 ; 譯者地球公民基金會 = Challenging the chip : labor rights and environmental justice in the global electronics industry / Ted Smith, David Allan Sonnenfeld, David Naguib Pellow. - 一版. - 新北市 : 群學出版有限公司, 2014. - 527 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.

Translation of: Challenging the chip : labor rights and environmental justice in the global electronics industry.


Electronic Industries
Employee rights
Environmental justice