Clarke, P. F.
為什麼是凱因斯? : 解析經濟大師席捲全球的不朽主張 = Keynes : the rise, fall, and return of the twentieth century's most influential economist /
彼得。克拉克著 ; 黃煜文譯.
- 初版.
- 台北市 : 商周出版, 2010.
- 284 p. ; 21 cm.
- Discourse ; 35 .
- Discourse(臺北, 臺灣) ; 35. .
Translation of: Keynes : the rise, fall, and return of the twentieth century's most influential economist.
Includes bibliographical references.
9789861201931 9861201939
Keynes, John Maynard, 1883-1946.
Keynesian economics
Economists--Great Britain--Biography