Jones, Beau Fly.
問題解決的敎與學 / Beau Fly Jones, Claudette M. Rasmussen, and Mary C. Moffitt著 ; 柯華葳導讀 ; 劉佩雲,簡馨瑩譯. - 初版. - 台北市 : 高等教育文化事業有限公司, 2003. - 299 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - 課程與教學系列 . - 課程與教學系列(高等敎育文化事業有限公司) .
Translation of: Real-life problem solving : a collaborative approach to interdisciplinary learning.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 289-299).
Interdisciplinary approach in education--United States
Group work in education--United States
Problem-based learning--United States
Educational change--United States
問題解決的敎與學 / Beau Fly Jones, Claudette M. Rasmussen, and Mary C. Moffitt著 ; 柯華葳導讀 ; 劉佩雲,簡馨瑩譯. - 初版. - 台北市 : 高等教育文化事業有限公司, 2003. - 299 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - 課程與教學系列 . - 課程與教學系列(高等敎育文化事業有限公司) .
Translation of: Real-life problem solving : a collaborative approach to interdisciplinary learning.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 289-299).
Interdisciplinary approach in education--United States
Group work in education--United States
Problem-based learning--United States
Educational change--United States