McCasland, Dave.
直奔金牌 : 踏著戴德生的足跡 / 大衛.麥卡斯藍 (David C. McCasland)著 ; 蘇心美譯. - 第1版. - 北京市 : 世界知識出版社, 2008. - 7, 304 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
Translation of: Eric Liddell : pure gold : a new biography of the Olympic champion who inspired Chariots of fire / David McCasland. Grand Rapids, Mich. : Discovery House Publishers, c2001.
Liddell, Eric, 1902-1945.
Runners (Sports)--Scotland--Biography
直奔金牌 : 踏著戴德生的足跡 / 大衛.麥卡斯藍 (David C. McCasland)著 ; 蘇心美譯. - 第1版. - 北京市 : 世界知識出版社, 2008. - 7, 304 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
Translation of: Eric Liddell : pure gold : a new biography of the Olympic champion who inspired Chariots of fire / David McCasland. Grand Rapids, Mich. : Discovery House Publishers, c2001.
Liddell, Eric, 1902-1945.
Runners (Sports)--Scotland--Biography