Hancock, James Gulliver,

50位當代名人 : 與他們的那些小東西 = Artists, writers, thinkers, dreamers : portraits of fifty famous folks & all their weird stuff! / 五十位當代名人 與他們的那些小東西 詹姆士格列佛漢考克作者 ; 譯者: 葉瑋玲、裴冑杰. - 初版. - 108 pages : color illustratios ; 28 cm. - EZ art ; 03 . - EZ art ; 03. .

Translation of: Artists, writers, thinkers, dreamers : portraits of fifty famous folks & all their weird stuff!

9862485000 9789862485002

Hancock, James Gulliver--Themes, motives.

Celebrities in art
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