Kreeft, Peter,
人生三大智慧 : 空, 苦, 愛 / 祈理富著 ; 黎仲芬譯. - 2 版. - xii, 112 pages : illustrations ; 20 cm - 普及神學叢書 .
Translation of: Three philosophies of life : Ecclesiastes : life as vanity, Job : life as suffering, Song of songs : life as love.
Bible.--O.T.--Ecclesiastes--Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Bible.--Job--Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Bible.--O.T.--Song of Solomon--Criticism, interpretation, etc.
BS1475.2 / .K7412 1994
人生三大智慧 : 空, 苦, 愛 / 祈理富著 ; 黎仲芬譯. - 2 版. - xii, 112 pages : illustrations ; 20 cm - 普及神學叢書 .
Translation of: Three philosophies of life : Ecclesiastes : life as vanity, Job : life as suffering, Song of songs : life as love.
Bible.--O.T.--Ecclesiastes--Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Bible.--Job--Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Bible.--O.T.--Song of Solomon--Criticism, interpretation, etc.
BS1475.2 / .K7412 1994