Koch, Richard, 1950-
80/20法則 : 成功、快樂和進步的秘訣 / 八十/二十法則 成功快樂和進步的秘訣 理查・高訶(Richard Koch)著 ; [謝綺蓉譯]. - 初版. - 香港 : 中華書局(香港)有限公司, 1999. - v, 256 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Translation of: The 80/20 principle : The secret of achieving more with less.
Time management.
Labor productivity--Psychological aspects.
Industrial efficiency--Psychological aspects.
Conduct of life.
80/20法則 : 成功、快樂和進步的秘訣 / 八十/二十法則 成功快樂和進步的秘訣 理查・高訶(Richard Koch)著 ; [謝綺蓉譯]. - 初版. - 香港 : 中華書局(香港)有限公司, 1999. - v, 256 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Translation of: The 80/20 principle : The secret of achieving more with less.
Time management.
Labor productivity--Psychological aspects.
Industrial efficiency--Psychological aspects.
Conduct of life.